Saturday, May 26, 2012

What's it all about?

About me: I am a teacher, a wife, a mom, and a person with a lot of hobbies. But I am a reader. A very avid reader. If someone would pay me to read, I would be in heaven. It would be the perfect career for me. But since that is not the career I have, I have decided to start this little blog to write about the books I am reading and give my opinions (not sure how many people will honestly even care). I haven't quite figured out a format for how I will do this, but I wanted to be able to share about what books I am reading without them interfering with my personal blog. I have over 100 books waiting to be read (both in print and on my nook) and over 100 on my wish list. I have just recently (the past couple years ish) started keeping track of books I have read and have over 100 on that list too. That doesn't include books that I may have read before keeping track. Maybe that doesn't sound like a lot to some people, but since I have a very big workload that I bring home with me, that number is pretty big. Anyways, enough with my rambling. I am going to attempt to set up this blog the way I like it and hopefully post my first summary/review soon!

For now, if you are interested in what I have read, am reading, or plan to read, here is my full shelfari shelf... GinaSbooknook

My newest obsession... my nook tablet that I got for my first Mother's Day. Thank you to my amazing husband and daughter :)


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